Tom's Town Hall Placard

Presented at the Salt spring Island Islands Trust Local Trust Committee on September 18, 2014

by A.N.T. Varzeliotis

An Open Letter to the SSI LTC


Dear Chair Malcolmson,

Re: Citizens Under Attack by a Churlish Trust

You are documented deliberately misinforming and disinforming (lying by omission and commission) the public through the Agenda of this, the September 18, 2014 SSI LTC meeting, at least on the following counts:

1. On the matter of “Correspondence”: (a) by censoring my correspondence and (b) by disinforming the society that there is “none to date”;

2. On the matter of “Delegations” by: (a) censoring my delegation and (b) by disinforming society that there is “none” delegation; and

3. In the “Draft Minutes of the August 24, 2013, LTC meeting, by omitting the fact that I strenuously protested Trust misconduct, and specifically the “enactment” of the latest Trust censorship instrument; and

4. That you proceeded inappropriately, in camera, to pronounce judgement ex parte against me, and did so while being in strong personal conflict of interest on the outcome of the matters at issue.

I am seeking to determine whether the Trust has any conscience, any respect for the law and any capacity for remorse and reform.

Dr. A. N. T. Varzeliotis, P.Eng (Ret’d)